To truly enjoy this film you need to be in love or on other drugs.
Okay, maybe that's a little harsh, the romantic-comedy did offer light comic entertainment for a dull Thursday evening. But it was nothing special, and it certainly wasn't anything new.
Jake Gyllenhaal fulfilled his quota as hunky attractive lead man well, and almost pulled off the cocky ladies man thing. Gyllenhaal has come a long way since Donnie Darko, and I'd say it's all been downhill.
And although Anne Hathaway was at time rather entertaining and humorous, she failed to convince as a free-spirited, independent woman as a consequence of her tortured suffering at the hands of Parkinsons disease. I just found the whole Parkinsons aspect of the film very unbelievable. Nearly as flawed (and ultimately concerning) as the idea that doctors can be bribed and bought with gifts and sex by pharmaceutical salesman.
Reunited after smash hit Brokeback Mountain, the two actors starred in a film which was as empty, cold and uninspiring as the award-winning cowboy movie was moving, warm and beautiful.
Despite a relatively strong and believable chemistry between the two leads, I did feel that the excessive amount of sex scenes and nudity was unnecessary. I mean how many times does the average chick flick viewer want to see Anne Hathaway's tits? I can't say there were all that many men enjoying the view in the cinema I was in.
Although it seems I was very unimpressed the film was a success in the way it needed to be. It's a rom com, a chick flick, a purposeless love story. It's never going to win awards, it's never going to impress the critics but it entertained me for two hours, made me giggle and left me in a good mood.
I suppose it had the same effect on the audience that those in love on on drugs would feel.
Therefore, I'd say a successfully rubbish film.
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