Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Something about.. Miss Potter

I had two preconceptions sitting down to watch Miss Potter. A film about a world famous author of which little is known about could always be revealing and intriguing. But also runs the risk of being dull.

However my judgement is that the film was a quaint and charming insight into the woman behind one of the best-selling authors of all time.

Renee Zellweger is not a favourite actress of mine and I often struggle to warm to her in roles, but she presented a relatively likeable, strong and inspiring woman in Miss Potter. The love and compassion she has for her imaginary characters and the stories she tells is believable.

Ewan McGregor is still far from becoming a great actor or winning any awards, but despite his wavering ability to perform, he manages - once again - to create a warm and relatable character which you both like and care about. Clearly why he makes such a strong lead man and love interest.

The story is somewhat slow and the action sparse, but Miss Potter does exactly what you expect it to do. It doesn't excite, enthral or thrill, but it does entertain, enchant and inspire.

I do think this is a film to be enjoyed more by those who have read the Potter books and grown up with her stories. But with a well-known cast, warm story and beautiful cinematography it would come as an enjoyable surprise to most who watch it.

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