Modern films tend to lean towards either the male audience or the female audience - and rarely does a film offer a satisfying experience to both. It doesn't need to. All girls will drag their partners along to see the latest chick-flick or the new tear-jerking drama. And all guys will persuade their girlfriend to face the new Bond film or the latest horror remake.
Romantic comedies draw in the women with hunky lead men melting into soppy romantic lovers in the presence of a self-conscious and flawed woman. Girls revel in the dream.
And men flock to see the sordid explicit comedies, filled with nudity, slapstick humour, crass sexist jokes and all things manly, including cars, gadgets and action. Guys revel in the dream.
But rarely - very rarely - along comes a film which has something for both.
No Strings Attached is one of those said films.
It is, on one hand, a romantic comedy with all the ingredients for a girly chick-flick: the attractive and loveable Ashton Kutcher, and the smart but withdrawn anti-relationship independent woman played by the beautiful Natalie Portman. Coupled with jokes about periods, this is the ultimate girl film.
But on the other hand, there are countless sex scenes, graphic and humorous jokes about sex, as well as nice cars and big houses. Coupled with a title which embodies the male dream, it's a sure-fire hit with the male population.
The film itself was nothing special and it wasn't original - but it was executed well and provided a funny and enjoyable cinema trip.
Kutcher and Portman made a good couple, and were supported by an unknown but witty cast.
I would recommend No Strings Attached as the perfect date.
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