Sunday, 22 May 2011

Something about.. Something Borrowed

I was well overdue for a girly chick-flick trip to the cinema. And Something Borrowed was just what the doctor ordered.

It was fun and bubbly and didn't take itself to seriously - thankfully.

To be honest with you, as a 22-year-old girl, all it takes is a love story, Kate Hudson and a dishy lead man - and the promise of a wedding - and I'm happy. So really, Something Borrowed hit the nail on the head.

It wasn't life changing, it won't be a film which will come off of the shelf at every girly get together and slumber party for the next decade, but it ticked all the boxes it needed to.

The lead characters were fun, but avoided being two-dimensional, and the interaction and chemistry between them was natural and easy. But most importantly, Something Borrowed was light-hearted and was scattered with laugh-out-loud moments and one-liners.

Kate Hudson always creates a likeable and endearing character - and even as the slightly bitchy and annoying Darcy, I still found myself warming to her and routing for her. Whereas Ginnifer Goodwin played the goody-goody lawyer Rachel, who I did find rather annoying. Still, the 'best friends' meshed well on screen which added to the awkward storyline of best friends crossing the line.

It's not necessarily something I would watch again and again, but I would certainly recommend it to my girlfriends for a girly evening in with a Chinese takeaway.

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